May God be our unique treasure. May our heart be only for God, completely in God; everything for Him, and only for Him.

Saint Charles of Jesus

How to discern a vocation?

A vocation is Christ calling someone to entirely consecrate themselves to him and to give him their whole life. A vocation is discerned in prayer, through asking advice from someone consecrated and close to God, and through a personal contact with a community.  God wants our happiness. Christ awaits a freely given and personal answer to his call. Jesus will never force you against your freedom. Don’t be afraid to take time to discern what His will upon you is.
"Come and see" are Christ's words to the first disciples, who ask him: "Master, where are you staying?”  Discerning a vocation is a journey involving various stages: getting to know Christ, getting to know oneself, getting to know the community of
Sisters and its particular charism. This process takes place through regular contact and visits to the Sisters.

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What is a vocation?

Saint John Paul II – January 6th,  1979 (message to young people)

"From the time when the Gospel was first proclaimed right up to our time, a very large number of men and women have given their personal response, their free and deliberate response, to the call of Christ. They have chosen the priesthood, the religious life, life in the Missions, as the reason for and the ideal of existence. They have served the People of God and humanity, with faith, intelligence, courage and love. Now it is time for you. It is up to you to respond.

My reason for speaking to you today about total dedication to God in the priesthood, in the religious life, in life as a missionary, is that Christ calls many from among you to this extraordinary adventure. He needs, and he wants to need, your persons, your intelligence, your energy, your faith, your love, your holiness.


I am telling you that love overcomes all difficulties. The true response to every vocation is the work of love. The response to the priestly, religious and missionary vocation can only spring from a deep love of Christ. He himself offers you this power of love, as a gift that is added to the gift of his call and makes your response possible.  Trust in ‘him who by the power at work within us is able to do far more abundantly than all that we wish or think’ (Eph 3:20). And, if you can, give your life, with joy and without fear, to him who first gave his for you.“

Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of everlasting life.

John 6